Notion 桌面版本不能使用的解决方式

The solution is a bit all over the place, so here's the solution combined into one comment:

Install asar(安装解压工具asar)

npm install -g asar

Go to /opt/Notion/resources/

cd /opt/Notion/resources/

Extract the contents(解压文件)

sudo asar extract app.asar app

change code(修改代码)

vim ./app/renderer/preload.js
Paste the following code at the end of ./app/renderer/preload.js(在文件最后面添加下面的代码)
(function __polyfill_2() { function getClientHints(navigator) { let { userAgent } = navigator; let mobile, platform = '', platformVersion = '', architecture = '', bitness = '', model = '', uaFullVersion = '', fullVersionList = []; let platformInfo = userAgent; let found = false; let versionInfo = userAgent.replace(/\(([^)]+)\)?/g, ($0, $1) => { if (!found) { platformInfo = $1; found = true; } return ''; }); let items = versionInfo.match(/(\S+)\/(\S+)/g); let webview = false; // detect mobile mobile = userAgent.indexOf('Mobile') !== -1; let m; let m2; // detect platform if ((m = /Windows NT (\d+(\.\d+)*)/.exec(platformInfo)) !== null) { platform = 'Windows'; // see let nt2win = { '6.1': '0.1', // win-7 '6.2': '0.2', // win-8 '6.3': '0.3', // win-8.1 '10.0': '10.0', // win-10 '11.0': '13.0', // win-11 }; let ver = nt2win[m[1]]; if (ver) platformVersion = padVersion(ver, 3); if ((m2 = /\b(WOW64|Win64|x64)\b/.exec(platformInfo)) !== null) { architecture = 'x86'; bitness = '64'; } } else if ((m = /Android (\d+(\.\d+)*)/.exec(platformInfo)) !== null) { platform = 'Android'; platformVersion = padVersion(m[1]); if ((m2 = /Linux (\w+)/.exec(navigator.platform)) !== null) { if (m2[1]) { m2 = parseArch(m2[1]); architecture = m2[0]; bitness = m2[1]; } } } else if ((m = /(iPhone|iPod touch); CPU iPhone OS (\d+(_\d+)*)/.exec(platformInfo)) !== null) { // see special notes at platform = 'iOS'; platformVersion = padVersion(m[2].replace(/_/g, '.')); } else if ((m = /(iPad); CPU OS (\d+(_\d+)*)/.exec(platformInfo)) !== null) { platform = 'iOS'; platformVersion = padVersion(m[2].replace(/_/g, '.')); } else if ((m = /Macintosh; (Intel|\w+) Mac OS X (\d+(_\d+)*)/.exec(platformInfo)) !== null) { platform = 'macOS'; platformVersion = padVersion(m[2].replace(/_/g, '.')); } else if ((m = /Linux/.exec(platformInfo)) !== null) { platform = 'Linux'; platformVersion = ''; // TODO } else if ((m = /CrOS (\w+) (\d+(\.\d+)*)/.exec(platformInfo)) !== null) { platform = 'Chrome OS'; platformVersion = padVersion(m[2]); m2 = parseArch(m[1]); architecture = m2[0]; bitness = m2[1]; } if (!platform) { platform = 'Unknown'; } // detect fullVersionList / brands let notABrand = { brand: ' Not;A Brand', version: '' }; if ((m = /Chrome\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/.exec(versionInfo)) !== null && navigator.vendor === 'Google Inc.') { fullVersionList.push({ brand: 'Chromium', version: padVersion(m[1], 4) }); if ((m2 = /(Edge?)\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/.exec(versionInfo)) !== null) { let identBrandMap = { 'Edge': 'Microsoft Edge', 'Edg': 'Microsoft Edge', }; let brand = identBrandMap[m[1]]; fullVersionList.push({ brand: brand, version: padVersion(m2[2], 4) }); } else { fullVersionList.push({ brand: 'Google Chrome', version: padVersion(m[1], 4) }); } if (/\bwv\b/.exec(platformInfo)) { webview = true; } } else if ((m = /AppleWebKit\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/.exec(versionInfo)) !== null && navigator.vendor === 'Apple Computer, Inc.') { fullVersionList.push({ brand: 'WebKit', version: padVersion(m[1]) }); if (platform === 'iOS' && (m2 = /(CriOS|EdgiOS|FxiOS|Version)\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/.exec(versionInfo)) != null) { let identBrandMap = { // no 'CriOS': 'Google Chrome', 'EdgiOS': 'Microsoft Edge', 'FxiOS': 'Mozilla Firefox', 'Version': 'Apple Safari', }; let brand = identBrandMap[m2[1]]; fullVersionList.push({ brand, version: padVersion(m2[2]) }); if (items.findIndex((s) => s.startsWith('Safari/')) === -1) { webview = true; } } } else if ((m = /Firefox\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/.exec(versionInfo)) !== null) { fullVersionList.push({ brand: 'Firefox', version: padVersion(m[1]) }); } else if ((m = /(MSIE |rv:)(\d+\.\d+)/.exec(platformInfo)) !== null) { fullVersionList.push({ brand: 'Internet Explorer', version: padVersion(m[2]) }); } else { fullVersionList.push(notABrand); } uaFullVersion = fullVersionList.length > 0 ? fullVersionList[fullVersionList.length - 1] : ''; let brands = => { let pos = b.version.indexOf('.'); let version = pos === -1 ? b.version : b.version.slice(0, pos); return { brand: b.brand, version }; }); // TODO detect architecture, bitness and model return { mobile, platform, brands, platformVersion, architecture, bitness, model, uaFullVersion, fullVersionList, webview }; } function parseArch(arch) { switch (arch) { case 'x86_64': case 'x64': return ['x86', '64']; case 'x86_32': case 'x86': return ['x86', '']; case 'armv6l': case 'armv7l': case 'armv8l': return [arch, '']; case 'aarch64': return ['arm', '64']; default: return ['', '']; } } function padVersion(ver, minSegs = 3) { let parts = ver.split('.'); let len = parts.length; if (len < minSegs) { for (let i = 0, lenToPad = minSegs - len; i < lenToPad; i += 1) { parts.push('0'); } return parts.join('.'); } return ver; } class NavigatorUAData { constructor() { this._ch = getClientHints(navigator); Object.defineProperties(this, { _ch: { enumerable: false }, }); } get mobile() { return; } get platform() { return this._ch.platform; } get brands() { return this._ch.brands; } getHighEntropyValues(hints) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!Array.isArray(hints)) { throw new TypeError('argument hints is not an array'); } let hintSet = new Set(hints); let data = this._ch; let obj = { mobile:, platform: data.platform, brands: data.brands, }; if (hintSet.has('architecture')) obj.architecture = data.architecture; if (hintSet.has('bitness')) obj.bitness = data.bitness; if (hintSet.has('model')) obj.model = data.model; if (hintSet.has('platformVersion')) obj.platformVersion = data.platformVersion; if (hintSet.has('uaFullVersion')) obj.uaFullVersion = data.uaFullVersion; if (hintSet.has('fullVersionList')) obj.fullVersionList = data.fullVersionList; resolve(obj); }); } toJSON() { let data = this._ch; return { mobile:, brands: data.brands, }; } } Object.defineProperty(NavigatorUAData.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, value: 'NavigatorUAData' }); function ponyfill() { return new NavigatorUAData(navigator); } function polyfill() { console.log("Try polyfill . . ."); // When Notion , no need https? const ____use_https = false; if ( (!____use_https || location.protocol === 'https:') && !navigator.userAgentData ) { console.log("Here,begin userAgentData polyfill . . .") let userAgentData = new NavigatorUAData(navigator); Object.defineProperty(Navigator.prototype, 'userAgentData', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function getUseAgentData() { return userAgentData; } }); Object.defineProperty(window, 'NavigatorUAData', { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true, value: NavigatorUAData }); return true; } return false; } // Simple Apply this code. ponyfill(); polyfill(); })();


sudo asar pack app app.asar
